Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Paper Prototype

I have come to finish my paper prototype for my flash game idea.  Paper prototyping has been more helpful than what I originally expected it to be.  I felt as though paper prototyping was just going to take up time, but would not be helpful in any way.  I have come to realize otherwise, paper prototyping is very beneficial when designing a flash game or any game for that matter.  It has caused me to modify my approach and has been a great asset in my design process.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Team Creation

The team that I am on currently consists of myself and my partner Nathan.  My team splits the work evenly across the board.  If a part has some piecing pieces the other team member will help to pick up the slack.  I have been drawing objects for the game, such as objects to shoot as well as the beginning of a character.  I am good at the drawing portion of the game because I enjoy and am able to draw on the computer for a game, although I am not a skilled drawer on pen and paper.  The hardest part of being on a team is definitely not knowing from one day to the next whether or not my parter will be here.  Where is he?